Portland, OR, Satyricon
I worked today. It was a bad idea but I did it. I had all these deadlines I had to meet, all this shit to do, and so Tim drove back from Vancouver and I tried to sleep in the backseat, then woke up in the morning and went to work in a daze. As it turned out of course I got very little done, and all the deadlines I had to meet weren't met and all I got out of it was lack of sleep. How much time does lack of sleep take off of one's life? I wonder if going to work that day, when I really didn't have to go to work but I felt like I should, and when I wanted to get things done but was so tired I was pretty much useless, I wonder if that took a day off of my life? I wonder if it'll contribute to a heart attack someday? This worrying will keep me up late tonight, I'll tell you that much.

This camera-and-audio crew followed Seam down to Portland from Seattle. They actually rode in their van, with their flash camera and enormous field recording microphone.

Seam and the Camera Crew

It was comical. Seam is doing the soundtrack to some indie porn film or something, and this was part of it. Wacky! They took a few pictures of us but tired quickly because Silkworm is about as photogenic as rotten meat.

I'm used to the Satyricon being a total shithole to visit, play in, walk past, read about, etc. But tonight was great fun - I mean, it's still sorta shitty, and the bartender wouldn't take two tickets for a 7&7, and there was a big ol' cockroach in the dressing room, but it was fun! The crowd was great - lots of real fans were there, people jumping up and down and getting excited and asking questions like "what is the inspiration for how you play the drums?" I like that sorta shit. People were nice! People were excited! I talked to a guy who'd just turned 21 and he'd been a fan since In the West, which means he's been wanting to see us play for 7 years now. Shit! But we played well, it was fun, la la la.

Seam played well, too - and Tim got up for the last song, an encore, a cover of Gang of Four's "I Found That Essence Pure," and really, honestly, no one was prepared for it, not Andy or I or anyone in Seam. It was utterly rockin', it was like Mick and Iggy and Calvin were all being channeled by this mean motherfucker. It was a world-class event.

Was there anything else? I don't think so. I did not get lucky. John Lee kept begging me to hit on this tall blonde woman who hung around after the show, but I couldn't handle the pressure, and then I would've had to deal with life the next day and I didn't want to, I just wanted to sleep.

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